Werden Sie Vertriebspartner
Biss25 Hundefutter wurde erstmalig 1991 verkauft und hat sich seitdem kontinuierlich zu einer erfolgreichen Premium-Futtermarke für alle Hunderassen jeden Alters entwickelt. Besonders beliebt ist Biss25 bei verantwortungsvollen Hundezüchtern und Hundehaltern mit gehobenen Ansprüchen an eine naturnahe und ausgewogene Ernährung ihrer Hunde.
Wir bauen unser Vertriebspartnernetz aus und freuen uns über Partneranfragen von Hundezüchtern und Tierbedarfshändlern.
HändleranfrageBecome a Partner
Biss25 dog food was launched in 1991 and has been continuously flourished as premium dog food brand for every dog breed of every age. It is a great favourite with dog breeders and dog owners who set great value upon a near-natural and well-balanced nutrition of their dogs.
We want to increase the success of Biss25 and so we are looking for main importers (especially Spain, France and Italy) and direct resellers all over Europe. Take a chance and become a partner of Biss25:
- well-liked premium brand
- well-established among professional breeders (several countries)
- independent distribution by sales representatives and SMBs (no cut-price competition, no chain stores)
- territorial protection possible
- direct supply by the manufacturer
- attractive terms and discounts
- marketing support and more
You are matching perfectly if you are a skilled dog breeder or familiar with the dog food market or just loving dogs – experience is of course helpful.
Are you interested? Please request further information.
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